MEC Achilles


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Product information: “MEC Achilles”

Kneeling roll from MEC with integrated foam mantle for pressure-reduction.

  • Anti-stretch artificial fiber and adhesive cover
  • Stable support, noticeably reduced fatigue in the foot
  • Delivery of the kneeling roll is made without filling
  • Filling available separately

The idea came from a friendly medical technician; a roll, which immediately gives the foot a stable position while at the same time deferring any loss of circulation. First skeptical, we are mean while convinced. You should try out this roll at the next opportunity: helps to stop the right foot from going to sleep as well as giving an astoundingly good support. Even the most delicate joints are protected…

Kneeling roll with integrated foam mantle for pressure-reduction. Anti-stretch artificial fiber and adhesive cover. Stable support, noticeably reduced fatigue in the foot.

The first two places in 3×40 at the 2007 German Championships were won with the prototypes. Many Championship titles are won year by year. In London 2012 first place 3×40 men.


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In the center of MEC stands Maik Eckhardt who integrated athletic engagement and business development. His athletic success includes the participation in the Games in Atlanta, Bejing, Sydney, Athens and London, where he attended three finals. MECs publishing department, managed by Heinz Reinkemeier, by now produced eight titles that are regularly edited and translated into an increasing number of languages.